
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Gluten-Free Classic Marble Cake

I love a good chocolate cake and...let's be real, I also love a classic vanilla cake.  Okay, okay!  So maybe I just love cake period!  And some days, I just don't wanna have to choose between them.  That's why today I’m bringing you the best of both worlds: a marble vanilla and chocolate cake!  It's the perfect solution for those days when you just don't feel like making the hard decisions.  I hope you enjoy!

       Here’s what you’ll need…

Vanilla Cake:

1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened

1 cups sugar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

1 1/2 tsp butter extract

2 eggs

1 1/2 cups Gluten-Free all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp Baking Soda

1/2  tsp salt

1/2 cup buttermilk

       Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Prepare two 9" round cake pans.
       In a medium bowl using an electric mixer, cream the butter until light and fluffy.  Add in the sugar and extracts then continue whipping.
       Gradually add in the eggs, one at a time.  Mix well between each addition.
       In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients then stir into the creamed mixture a little at a time, alternating with the milk.

       Pour evenly into the prepared pans.  Now it's time to make the chocolate cake batter.

Chocolate Cake:

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup brown sugar

1  tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup coconut oil

1 Egg

1/2 cup Buttermilk

1 tbsp vanilla extract

1/2 cup hot water
       In a medium bowl, combine the sugars, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

       In a separate bowl, whip together coconut oil, Egg, Buttermilk, and vanilla extract.  Then slowly add the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until combined.  Next, fold in the chocolate chips.

       Add the hot water to the batter and mix well, until batter begins to thin.  
     Pour this batter evenly over of the vanilla cake batter that is already in the prepared pans.

       Take a butter knife and swirl the chocolate cake batter into the vanilla cake batter.  You don't want to over-stir here otherwise you'll lose the pretty marble effect.

       Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

       You can create any frosting you might like to ice this cake with!  Get creative and come up with your own flavor combination.  I'm including a recipe below for a if you'd like to stick with the classics...a rich Creamy Vanilla butter cream.  You can't go wrong with that!

Creamy Vanilla Butter Cream Frosting
3 cups Powdered Sugar
3 tsp vanilla extract
 Heavy Whipping Cream, as needed
       In a large bowl, whip the butter with an electric mixer until light and fluffy.  Next, whip in one cup of powdered sugar, then add in the Vanilla extract.  To finish, whip in the remaining two cups of powdered sugar, one cup at a time.  Beat well between each addition and alternate with the heavy cream as needed. 
       Spread the frosting over the bottom layer of cake for the filling, then place the second cake on top.  Finish frosting the top and sides of the cake with the remaining frosting.
       You can dress up this cake with any garnishes you would like or simply enjoy it as is!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Chocolate Cookie Cake

       So I made a Cookies n’ Cream Cake a while ago and it was quite popular.  In fact, I was commissioned by several local customers to bake that cake for their parties.  Apparently people love cookies and people love cake, but they love them even more when they are combined.  That's why  I decided to take that recipe and make a few changes to give us another spin on those flavors!  I hope you enjoy the new twist on an old classic.

You'll need:

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup dark cocoa powder

1 tsp cinnamon

1 ½ tsp baking powder

1 ½  tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1/2 cup coconut oil

½ cup pumpkin puree

1 cup coconut milk

1 tbsp vinegar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

1 cup hot water

       Preheat oven to 350°F.  Grease two 9" round cake pans.
       In a medium bowl, combine the sugars, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt.

 In a separate bowl, whip together coconut oil, pumpkin, coconut milk, vinegar, and vanilla.  Then slowly add the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until combined.  Next, fold in the chopped cookies and chocolate chips.

       Add the hot water to the batter and mix well, until batter thins out.  Pour evenly into prepared pans and bake for 30 - 35 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean from the centers.

        Once the cakes have finished baking, let them cool completely before frosting.
Chocolate Cream Frosting

1/4 cup cocoa

2 cups powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

       In a bowl using an electric mixer, cream the shortening until smooth.  Add in one cup of powdered sugar and all of the cocoa, then cream until thick and crumbly.

        Add in the vanilla extract and another cup of powdered sugar.  Continue mixing until creamy.

       Assemble the layers, then fill and frost the cakes.  Serve and enjoy!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Gluten-Free French Toast Cake with Maplenut Cream Cheese Frosting...YUM!

       You can call me crazy for putting this recipe together if you'd like, but it's pretty awesome anyway!  One night, I was getting ready to bake but wasn’t really feeling any creative juices flowing.  Then suddenly I realized...I was seriously craving me some maple syrup-smothered French toast!  So I thought, "hey, why not create a dessert inspired by one of my favorite breakfast treats?"
       I hope you enjoy eating this as much as I enjoyed coming up with it!

 You'll need:
1 cup Kerrygold salted butter, softened

1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp Maple Syrup

4 eggs

1 tbsp cinnamon

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 cup buttermilk

1 cup Hazelnuts, chopped


1/4 cup Coconut Flour

1/2 cup Maple Sugar

1/2 tbsp Cinnamon

2 tbsp Maple Syrup  

       Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Grease and flour two round 9” cake pans.
        In a medium bowl using an electric mixer, cream the butter until light and fluffy.  Add in the sugar and extracts then continue whipping until creamed.

       Gradually add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well between each addition.

       In a separate bowl, combine the flour, cinnamon, xanthan gum, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Then stir the dry ingredients into the creamed mixture a little at a time, alternating with the buttermilk.  
    Fold in the hazelnuts then Scoop the batter into prepared pans.  Set aside until you finish the streusel.

      In a small mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, and cinnamon.  slowly fold in the maple syrup a half tablespoon at a time until the streusel reaches the texture of wet sand (sounds appetizing, doesn't it?).  

       Sprinkle the streusel evenly across both cakes.  Then use a butter knife to gently fold the streusel into the cake with a swirling motion.

       bake for  25-30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean from the center and the tops are a light golden brown.  Allow to cool completely before frosting.
Maplenut Cream cheese Frosting!

4 oz. cream cheese

1/2 cup palm shortening

3 cups powdered sugar

2 tbsp maple Syrup

1 tsp vanilla extract

       In a medium bowl, beat cream cheese and palm shortening with an electric mixer.  Whip in two cups of powdered sugar.  Next, add in the maple syrup and the extracts, then whip in the final cup of powdered sugar.  Continue blending until smooth and creamy.

       Now just ice and assemble the cake layers, then enjoy the Breakfast-y goodness!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Vegan Gluten-Free Loaded Brownies

      Who doesn’t like a loaded brownie???  I mean we're talking about warm, gooey chocolate, crunchy nuts, and decadent chocolate chips!  Oh yeah!  Well, today I decided to bring you a vegan and Gluten-Free version of a loaded brownie…ENJOY!

You'll need:

1  Cup Wholesome Sugar

1 Cup pumpkin puree

1 tbsp vanilla

1/2 tsp xanthan gum

1 tsp salt

       Preheat oven to 350°F.  Grease two 9” round pans and set aside until needed
    In a mixing bowl, cream together coconut oil and sugar followed by the pumpkin.  Then whip in the extracts and set aside.

       In a separate bowl, combine flour, xanthan gum, cacao and salt.  Next, slowly mix the dry ingredients into the creamed ingredients.
gently fold in the chopped nuts and chocolate chips.  Pour batter into the prepared pans and bake for 30 - 35 minutes.
Vegan Cacao Fudge Frosting

1 Heaping cup of palm shortening

2 cups powdered sugar

1/4 cup cacao

1 tsp vanilla extract

Coconut Milk, as needed

In a medium bowl, whip shortening until fluffy.  Mix in one cup of powdered sugar followed by the cacao and extracts.  Mix in the second cup of powdered sugar and a splash of coconut milk.  Continue mixing until smooth.
 Spread Frosting across brownies, serve, and enjoy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Notta-Colada Protein Smoothie!

Okay…so everyone knows how to make a smoothie, right?  Not so much!  I’ve managed a health food store for over eight years now and you’d be surprised at how many people get confused or frustrated with the concept of making a tasty smoothie.  Plus, every once in awhile, we just need a break from the same ol' chocolate or vanilla, but aren't sure where to start.  So today I bring you my recipe for a beachy, summer-inspired piña colada smoothie!

Throw all of the ingredients into a Vitamix blender and blend on high until all the ice is blended and it reaches the perfect thick, creamy smoothie texture.

  Pour into two glasses then top with a sprinkle of coconut and a slice of pineapple! Now how hard was that?  Not hard at all so get creative and have some fun!  If you come up with your own amazing creation, I’d love to hear about it, so please share your ideas by leaving a comment below.  Or email me and you just might get featured on my blog!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Gluten-Free Gingernut Cake!

       For some reason, I was craving the spicy sweet flavor of ginger this week!  So since I had some extra coconut and crystallized ginger on hand, I decided to create a cake based on those flavors!  I hope you enjoy this little combo because I know I did…

1 cup unsalted butter, softened

2 cups sugar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

3 tsp butter extract

4 eggs

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 ½ tsp baking soda

1  tsp salt

1 cup buttermilk

       Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Grease and prepare two round 9" cakepans. 

       In a medium bowl using an electric mixer, cream the butter until light and fluffy.  Add in the sugar and extracts then continue whipping until creamed.

       Gradually add in the eggs, one at a time.  Mix well between each addition.

       In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients.  Then stir into the creamed mixture a little at a time, alternating with the milk.
 Next fold in Coconut and ginger.

       Pour batter evenly into prepared cake pans.  Bake for 25 - 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center and the tops are a light golden brown.

  Remove from oven and let cool before frosting.

Ginger Butter Cream 

1 Cup butter

2 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp ginger

3 Cups powdered sugar

Heavy whipping cream, as needed

       In a bowl using an electric mixer, cream the butter and shortening until smooth.  Add in two cups of powdered sugar and cream together until the mixture is thick and crumbly.
       Next, add the Vanilla and ginger followed by a splash of cream then whip together.  Add in another cup of powdered sugar followed by just enough cream to make the frosting nice and smooth.  Continue mixing until creamy.

       Assemble the layers, then fill and frost the cakes.  Serve and enjoy!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Vegan Gluten-Free Banana Blueberry Coconut Muffins

       Today I bring you a classic blueberry muffin with a twist!  I hope you enjoy this banana, blueberry, and coconut muffin.  These are great as a quick morning breakfast or a sweet treat for dessert…either way they’re great with coffee! 

You'll need:

2 Cups Brown Sugar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

3 Large Bananas, very ripe

1/4 Cup Pumpkin Puree

1 ½ tsp xanthan gum

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp salt

1 tsp Cinnamon

1 cup Coconut milk

1 tbsp Vinegar

11/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries, thawed

1/2 Cup Shredded Coconut  


½ cup Brown sugar

¼ cup coconut flour

½ Cup coconut oil

1 tsp Cinnamon

Makes 14 Jumbo Muffins

       Preheat the oven to 350°F.  Grease and prepare three Jumbo MuffinTins.
     In a medium bowl, cream the Coconut oil and sugar until light and fluffy.  Then add in the extracts and continue whipping until fully creamed.
       Gradually, add banana and pumpkin.  mix well to combine all ingredients.

Combine Vinegar and Coconut Milk into a cup or small bowl, then set aside until needed.

       In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients.  Then stir the dry ingredients into the creamed mixture a little at a time, alternating with the milk.  Fold in blueberries and shredded coconut.

       Pour batter into prepared pans then set aside until topped with the streusel.

       In a small bowl combine all of the streusel ingredients and mix until it reaches a thick, crumbly texture.  Sprinkle evenly across the top of all the muffins, then lightly press down with a fork.

       Bake for 30 - 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean from the center and the tops are a light golden brown.  Allow to cool in the pans for three minutes before transferring to a cooling rack. 
 Pour the coffee and enjoy!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Vegan Gluten-Free Tropicolatta Cake

       Summertime...and the livin’ is easy… or so the song goes. J  Today I bring you some island, beach,  and summer-inspired tropical flavors.  I hope you enjoy this yummy, flavorful dessert!   

You'll need:

1 ¾ Cup Wholesome Sugar

1/2 Cup Mango Juice

1 tbsp Vinegar

1 tbsp Vanilla Extract

11/2 tsp Baking Powder

1 1/2 tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp Salt

 *Click Here for a simple and effective way to get the coconut cream.

       Preheat oven to 350°F.  Grease and flour two 9" round pans.

       In a mixing bowl, whip together Coconut Oil, sugar, coconut cream, and egg substitute until fluffy.  In a small bowl, combine juices, vinegar, and extracts then set aside. 

       In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  
        Next, add the dry ingredients alternately with the liquids to the coconut cream mixture using a mixer on low speed.
       gently fold in the Pineapple and shredded coconut, mixing until just combined.
Bake for 30 minutes then check to see if a toothpick comes out clean.  If not, continue baking, checking every few minutes to make sure it doesn't over-bake.
 Once your cake is done, allow to cool in the pans for about five minutes at room temperature, then place in the refrigerator for about two hours before removing from pans and frosting. 
Dreamsicle Cream Frosting
11/2 cup coconut palm shortening

3 cups powdered sugar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

Coconut milk 

       In a bowl using an electric mixer, cream the shortening until smooth. Add in two cups of powdered sugar and cream together until the shortening is thick and crumbly.
       Add in the extracts and a splash of coconut milk then whip together.  Add in another cup of powdered sugar followed by just enough coconut milk to make the frosting nice and smooth.  Continue mixing until creamy.

       Assemble the layers, then fill and frost the cakes.  Serve and enjoy!