
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Islander Muffins

       Still craving some summer flavors?  Summer may be almost over but fear not.  I am still in vacation mode so I have the perfect recipe to help us enjoy those warm, bright flavors for a little while longer!  These muffins feature the delicious combo of mango and coconut  and then are topped with a (wait for it...) salted rum butter cream.  Need I say more?

You'll need...

1 ½  cups flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

½  tsp salt

¼ cup + 2tbsp milk

3/4 cup sugar

1 egg

1/3 cup butter, melted 

Makes 12 muffins.
       Preheat oven to 350°F.  Prepare two muffin tins by greasing each cup (or you can use cupcake liners, if you prefer).
 In a small mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Set aside until needed.
      In a medium mixing bowl, combine Mango Cream, sugar, egg, milk, and butter.  Mix thoroughly.

       Stir dry ingredients into the creamed mixture.  *Important tip: don’t over stir!  For best results, be sure to mix the flour into the creamed mixture until just combined and the flour is no longer visible.  Over-mixing can cause the muffins to be less moist.
        Spoon the batter into the muffin tins until they are about ¾ full.  Place in the oven to bake for 15-18 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.  If your oven tends to bake food unevenly, put a cookie sheet under the muffin tins to help distribute the heat and keep the bottoms from getting too brown.
       Once the muffins have finished baking, take them out of the oven and let them cool in the tins for about three minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack.

       Once your muffins have fully cooled, it's time to break out the coring tool. I know, I know...yet another cream-stuffed recipe using the corer.  But I promise I wouldn’t be repeating this if it wasn’t such a hit!  (And do I need to say again how much fun it is?)  

       Cut a hole the size of a quarter in the center of the muffins, only going down about 1/4 of an inch deep.  Then using a knife, press the muffin center to the sides so you have an empty cone shape in the middle to put the filling in.  Once you have cored out all the muffins, you can start on the cream. 

 Island Coconut Cream

8oz cream cheese

1/2 cup + 2tbsp powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp coconut flavor

½ tsp rum flavor

1/2 tsp salt
       In a medium mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth.  Then whip in powdered sugar followed by extracts and salt.  Continue whipping until fully combined.      
       Put the butter cream into an icing bag fitted with a tip or a gallon Ziploc bag with one corner cut out.  Then stick the tip into the center of the muffin and fill the hollow.  Continue squeezing and move the tip up until you fill the center all the way to the top.  Repeat this process until all of the muffins are filled. 

       Serve and enjoy!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Facebook Giveaway!


I am hosting a giveaway for a FREE bag of Xyla brand Xylitol (which as you know by now is my go-to brand for a sugar alternative) and an exclusive recipe to one lucky Facebook follower.  Here’s how you can enter to win…

1. Like me on Facebook @Delectably Different Kitchen (if you haven’t already)

2.  Invite five friends to join in and like this page

3. Leave a comment once you have completed 1 and 2.
It’s that easy!  Once we reach 70 likes, I will select a random winner for this cool prize!  I'll be back soon and posting even more delectable and delicious recipes

Monday, August 25, 2014

Salted Caramel Avocado Brownies!


       A little while ago, I posted a recipe for Fudgy Coconut Almond Avocado Brownies.  What a HIT they turned out to be!!!  Because really, who doesn't like avocados and chocolate?  So I decided to revamp the recipe a bit to satisfy a craving for one of my favorite flavor profiles: Salted Caramel.
Let me know how they turn out for you! 
 I give you fair warning, you will definitely need to keep a napkin nearby to help you control all of the gooey deliciousness...

 You’ll need:
Salted Caramel

¼ Cup Butter, softened

1/8 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream

½ Cup Brown Sugar

1 tsp Butter Flavor

1tsp Himalayan Salt


2 Cups Mashed Avocado

4 Eggs

3 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 tsp Butter Flavor

2 tbsp Water

1 Cup dark chocolate chips

2 ¼ Cups Cacao Powder

1 Cup Brown sugar

¼ Cup Sugar

1 tsp Baking Soda

½ tsp Salt

½ Cup Cacao Nibs  
Preheat oven to 350°F.  Grease an 8x11 pan and set aside.

 In a medium saucepan, melt all of the ingredients for the salted caramel over medium heat and then bring to a boil.  Allow to boil for about three minutes before removing from heat.  Set aside until needed.
Peel and mash avocados until they measure two cups.  For me, this took four small Haas avocados.  In a medium bowl, whip the avocado, eggs, extracts, and water with an electric mixer until smooth.
       Melt down the chocolate chips in a double boiler until smooth then whip it in to the avocado mixture. Next, add in the cacao, mixing well between each cup.  Then stir in the sugar, baking soda and salt.  Gently fold in cacao nibs.
       Pour batter into prepared pan.  Scoop the salted caramel onto the brownie mixture and then swirl the batter with a butter knife to combine. 
 Bake for 25 – 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
       Once your brownies have finished baking, move them into the fridge so they can completely cool before being topped with the cream.

Salted Butter Cream

1 cup Heavy Whipping cream

3 tbsp Powdered Sugar

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 tsp Butter Flavor

½ tsp Himalayan Salt 

       In a chilled bowl, whip heavy cream until stiff peaks form.  Add in the powdered sugar and whip until well combined.  Then beat in vanilla extract, butter flavor, and salt.

       Top the cooled brownies with the buttercream, then serve and enjoy!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Vacation Time!

    Hey everyone!  First I want to thank all of you who have been along for the ride since I first started this blog.  Your support and feedback has been so encouraging to me!  Needless to say, it has been a very busy year so now I am going on a much-needed vacation.  ;)   I will be away all of next week so I won't be having my regular recipe posts but I will do my best to post a few pics while I’m gone.   During this trip I know I'll be inspired by all of the exciting tropical flavors and I plan on bringing home some delicious new recipes from afar!
      While I’m away I have a fun task and challenge for you.  I will be hosting a giveaway for a bag of Xyla brand Xylitol (which as you know by now is my go-to brand for a sugar alternative) and an exclusive recipe to one lucky Facebook follower.  Here’s how you can enter to win…

1. Like me on Facebook @Delectably Different Kitchen (if you haven’t already)

2.  Invite five friends to join in and like this page

3. Leave a comment once you have completed 1 and 2.

It’s that easy!  Once we reach 70 likes, I will select a random winner for this cool prize!  I'll be back soon and posting even more delectable and delicious recipes!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Fudgy Coconut Almond Avocado Brownies!

       Alright, so this weekend I was wanting a brownie really badly.  But I also knew I needed to post a healthy recipe this week, so I thought, hey, why not try a recipe that has been on my to-do list for a while?  Avocado brownies.  That’s right.  Avocado.  Brownies.  

       Now, I love avocados as much as the next person, just hand me a bag of tortilla chips and a bowl of guacamole and I’m a very happy camper.  But in brownies?  I was taking a chance with this one.  But guess what?  Uh-mazing!!!  It was definitely a successful endeavor…creamy, fudgy, and delicious are a few words that come to mind.  It was the perfect healthy chocolate fix.
       I added these brownies to the items that I sell at the health food store I manage, and they repeatedly sold out!  If you give them a try, let us know how they turn out for you in the comments below!
You’ll need…
2 cups mashed avocado

4 eggs

3 tsp vanilla extract

2 tbsp water

2 ¼ cup cacao powder

1 cup sugar

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

       Preheat oven to 350°F.  Grease an 8x11 pan and set aside.
       Peel and mash avocados until they measure two cups.  For me, this took four small Haas avocados.  In a medium bowl, whip the avocado, eggs, extracts, and water with an electric mixer until smooth.
      Melt down the chocolate chips in a double boiler until smooth then whip it in to the avocado mixture. Next, add in the cacao, mixing well between each cup.  Then stir in the sugar, baking soda and salt.  

Gently fold in coconut shreds.

       Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 25 – 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
        Once your brownies have baked, put them in the refrigerator so they can completely cool before adding the cream topping.

Almond Coconut Cream

1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream

3 tbsp powdered sugar

2 tbsp cacao powder

1 tbsp cacao nibs

        In a bowl, whip one cup of the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.  Add in powdered sugar and whip well.  Then blend in cacao powder until the whipping cream is thick and the cacao is fully incorporated.  Now add in the last ½ cup of whipping cream and whip on high until the mixture is light and fluffy with stiff peaks forming again.  

     Whip in almond extract then fold in cacao nibs and shredded coconut.
       Top cooled brownies, then serve, and enjoy!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Mango Coconut Cream

Mango  Coconut Cream Custard
   I thought I'd post this as a standalone recipe since I have been using it in quite a few of my recipes recently.  I originally used this cream as a filling in my Creamy Mango Banana Muffins. But I’m one of those people who once I find a flavor that I fall in love with, I will then find as many different ways as I can to use it by combining with different flavors to create new recipes. 
   Fun fact: some of my friends seem to think this is a custard so they eat it right off the spoon for dessert!  This cream is extremely versatile so get creative and then leave a comment to let us know your favorite way to use it. 
I hope you enjoy!

12oz cream cheese

1 cup freshly cut mango

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp orange flavor

1 tsp salt

2 ¾  powdered sugar

4 tbsp tapioca starch
       In a bowl, cream together cream cheese and mango. Whip in one cup of the powdered sugar, then add the extracts, salt, and the remaining powdered sugar.  Whip in the tapioca starch then transfer to a medium saucepan.
       Stir mixture over medium-low heat until it begins to heat.  Gradually turn the heat up until the mixture comes to a boil and thickens into a custardy texture.  Remove from heat and allow to cool before using.

Stores nicely in the fridge for several weeks.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Summer Blondie Brownies!

    On Monday I posted a gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free lemon blondie.  The tropical citrus flavors were such a hit that I decided midweek that on Friday I would share a more indulgent version of the same blondie.
 So today I bring you Summer Blondie Brownies.  These bars are so decadent and delicious...the perfect weekend treat! I hope you enjoy!

Here’s what you’ll need…

1 1/2 cups brown sugar

½ cup coconut oil

3 eggs

4 tbsp fresh-squeezed lemon juice

Zest from one large lemon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp coconut flavor      

1 2/3 cups flour

½ tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

½  cup white chocolate chips

       Preheat oven to 350°.  Grease an 11x8 glass baking dish and set aside.

       In a large mixing bowl, beat the brown sugar, coconut oil, eggs, lemon juice and extracts until creamed.
      In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt.  Add the flour mixture a little at a time into the creamed sugar, making sure to mix well between each addition. 

Fold in the coconut shreds and white chocolate chips.

      Spread into the prepared pan and bake for 30 - 35 minutes.  Allow to cool completely before topping.

Whipped Tropical Topping 

1 cup heavy whipping cream

3 tbsp powdered sugar

3 tsp vanilla extract 

      In a chilled medium bowl, whip heavy cream until stiff peaks form.  Add in the sugar and flavorings then continue to whip until everything is fully combined.  


     Okay, you could make the above whipped topping and I have no doubt it will taste amazing with the brownies.  But we all like to have options, right?  So the last time I made these, I went out on a limb and I made the whipped topping recipe above and then added in a half cup of one of my newest recipes, which has been very popular and much requested: Mango Cream.  
 You can find the recipe for the mango cream here.  I originally made it as a filling for banana muffins but now I’m finding so many other ways to use it!  I have to say that adding in the mango cream to the frosting made this dessert go all the way from a three-base hit to a home run!

  Top the cooled brownies, serve and enjoy! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Gluten-Free Lemon Blondies

       Okay, so this week I was stumped.  I just couldn't decide what recipe I wanted to make and present to the world.  I began to look around in my fridge for some inspiration, and I saw that I had a lot of lemons that needed to be used.  For reasons that have yet to be discovered, I had bought an overabundance of lemons, but at least now I had a flavor to build on.   Now I knew I was making something lemony but what???  

       Some of you may know that almost everything I post on my blog, I also sell in the health food store that I manage.  Recently, I have had a few customers mention that there haven't been enough 'healthy' treats for them.  Soooo…this is my answer for all of the people looking for a healthy, yummy dessert.  These delicious citrus bars are gluten-free, dairy-free, and can even be totally sugar-free if you are able to find unsweetened coconut milk yogurt.  Trying to make my own coconut yogurt is on my list of things to do!  I will post an update on that experiment when I have found a great recipe that works.  For now, let's enjoy...
You'll need:

2 cups gluten-free all-purpose flour

1 ¼ tsp xanthan gum

1 ¼ cup xylitol

½ tbsp salt

½ tbsp baking soda

½ cup coconut greek yogurt (I used Blueberry)

6 tbsp fresh lemon juice

Zest of 2 lemons

1 tsp coconut flavor

3 tsp vanilla extract

2 tsp lemon extract

4 eggs
½ cup dried blueberries

 Preheat oven to 350°F.  Grease a 11X8 pan and set aside until needed.

   In a medium mixing bowl, combine the flour, xanthan gum, xylitol, salt, and baking soda.  Mix well.   
Add in coconut yogurt, coconut oil, and lemon juice then stir until well combined.  For this recipe, I used fractionated coconut oil which stays liquid at any temperature, but you could always just melt down regular coconut oil and use that instead.
   Next, add in the extracts and eggs and continue stirring until fully combined.  Pour into prepared pan and sprinkle dried blueberries evenly across the top of the batter.

Bake for 25 minutes then check to see if the top is a nice golden brown color and if a toothpick comes out clean.  Set aside and allow to cool completely before topping with coconut cream glaze.

 Coconut Cream Glaze

 2/3 Cup Coconut Manna or Butter

1 tbsp honey

3 tbsp fresh lemon juice

1 tsp vanilla extract

1tsp coconut flavor

2 tbsp coconut milk

In a glass bowl, melt the coconut manna until it's smooth and easy to stir.  You can either microwave it for 30 seconds or so, or set the bowl over a pot of hot water until melted.  Then mix in the honey followed by lemon juice and extracts.  Lastly, stir in the coconut milk and vanilla crème stevia.
 Pour glaze on top of the cooled bars and spread it evenly across the top. Garnish with another ½ cup of dried blueberries, if desired.  Serve and enjoy!