
Monday, August 11, 2014

Fudgy Coconut Almond Avocado Brownies!

       Alright, so this weekend I was wanting a brownie really badly.  But I also knew I needed to post a healthy recipe this week, so I thought, hey, why not try a recipe that has been on my to-do list for a while?  Avocado brownies.  That’s right.  Avocado.  Brownies.  

       Now, I love avocados as much as the next person, just hand me a bag of tortilla chips and a bowl of guacamole and I’m a very happy camper.  But in brownies?  I was taking a chance with this one.  But guess what?  Uh-mazing!!!  It was definitely a successful endeavor…creamy, fudgy, and delicious are a few words that come to mind.  It was the perfect healthy chocolate fix.
       I added these brownies to the items that I sell at the health food store I manage, and they repeatedly sold out!  If you give them a try, let us know how they turn out for you in the comments below!
You’ll need…
2 cups mashed avocado

4 eggs

3 tsp vanilla extract

2 tbsp water

2 ¼ cup cacao powder

1 cup sugar

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

       Preheat oven to 350°F.  Grease an 8x11 pan and set aside.
       Peel and mash avocados until they measure two cups.  For me, this took four small Haas avocados.  In a medium bowl, whip the avocado, eggs, extracts, and water with an electric mixer until smooth.
      Melt down the chocolate chips in a double boiler until smooth then whip it in to the avocado mixture. Next, add in the cacao, mixing well between each cup.  Then stir in the sugar, baking soda and salt.  

Gently fold in coconut shreds.

       Pour batter into prepared pan and bake for 25 – 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
        Once your brownies have baked, put them in the refrigerator so they can completely cool before adding the cream topping.

Almond Coconut Cream

1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream

3 tbsp powdered sugar

2 tbsp cacao powder

1 tbsp cacao nibs

        In a bowl, whip one cup of the heavy cream until stiff peaks form.  Add in powdered sugar and whip well.  Then blend in cacao powder until the whipping cream is thick and the cacao is fully incorporated.  Now add in the last ½ cup of whipping cream and whip on high until the mixture is light and fluffy with stiff peaks forming again.  

     Whip in almond extract then fold in cacao nibs and shredded coconut.
       Top cooled brownies, then serve, and enjoy!

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