
Friday, September 26, 2014

Emily’s Famous Chocolaty Brownies

Emily’s Famous Chocolaty Brownies!
(With Mocha Cream Topping)
       Just so you know, I am risking my life today to bring you this top secret recipe.  My sister, Emily, is internationally famous for her fudgy brownies and up until this time, the recipe has been carefully guarded.  (Well, okay, so international might be a bit of a stretch but in certain circles she was quite well-known.)  She would get requests all the time for her brownies because they always turned out perfectly.  
       When she moved out-of-state a few years ago, I may or may not have surreptitiously made a copy of her recipe to save for myself.  (Spoiler: yes, I in fact, did.)  So now I bring to you my sister's famous chocolate brownies, which I put my own twist on by topping with a mocha cream.  We had better start making these quickly, before she realizes I've posted her recipe...
       Here’s what you'll need…

1 cup Butter, softened

2 2/3 cups Sugar

4 Eggs

1 tbsp Vanilla Extract

2 cups Flour

1 cup Cocoa

1 tsp Salt 

       Preheat oven to 325°F.  Grease a glass 13x9 pan and set aside.
        In a medium mixing bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until fluffy.  Then add in eggs and vanilla.
       In a separate bowl, sift together flour, cocoa, and salt.  Slowly add the flour mixture into the creamed ingredients, mixing well until fully combined.

       Spread into the prepared pan and bake 25-30 minutes.  Allow to cool completely topping with the mocha cream.

Mocha Cream

1 cup + 1 tbsp Heavy Whipping Cream, divided

3 tbsp powdered sugar

3 tbsp cocoa

2 tsp instant coffee granules
        In a medium bowl, whip one cup of heavy cream with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form.  Add in the powdered sugar and cocoa, then whip on high speed until light and fluffy.  In a small cup, stir the instant coffee into one tablespoon of whipping cream until fully dissolved.  Then add the coffee to the whipped cream and mix well.

       Once the brownies have fully cooled, top them with the mocha cream, then cut and serve.  I hope you enjoy my sister's brownies as much as I always have!

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