
Friday, January 30, 2015

Mocha Maca Fudge Ice Cream Topping

       So, this may be the most addicting ice cream topping a mocha lover will ever experience but...It was never intended to be a syrup!  No, no, one fateful night I was inspired to make a mocha maca fudge but instead of hardening up like it was supposed to, all I got was a syrupy mess.  But when life gives you lemons, do we throw them away?  NO!  I say we make lemonade (Or syrup.  You know what I mean.)  So now you know how this AMAZING recipe came about.  Enjoy and if you have any funny, happy accident stories, we'd love for you to share them.  Who knows, the best story might just win a prize!

Here’s what you'll need:

3 Cups Sugar

2/3 Cup Cacao Powder

¼ tsp Salt

1 ½ Cup of Milk

4 tsp Instant espresso

½ tbsp Maca

¼ Butter

1 tsp Vanilla extract

      In a sauce pan over medium heat, bring the sugar, cacao, salt, milk, espresso, and maca to a rolling boil.  Allow to boil for about three minute before removing from heat.
        After removing from heat, add in butter and vanilla and mixing well.  Allow this mixture to cool at room temperature until it's about 105 – 110 degrees.  Beat lightly then place in a ball Mason jar and let it finish cooling in the refrigerator. 

       Now you have the most perfectly delicious mocha ice cream topping EVER!!!  The fact that maca is a superfood rich is essential nutrients is a total bonus. 

       I hope you enjoy!

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