
Friday, May 15, 2015

Vegan Powdered Coconut Creamer!

I know, I know...this isn't the normal sweet treat post you've come to expect from me, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by this recipe!  What complements desserts better than anything else?  Why it's coffee, of course!   
       Most people I know generally use refrigerated creamers and you can find a variety of dairy alternatives such as almond, hemp, cashew, and the most common, coconut creamer.  But what about those times when you are on the go and need something quick?  What about the people who just prefer using a powdered version but don't want all of the nasty things in most dairy-free powdered creamers?  Well fear not, for today I bring you the answer to this conundrum.  This is a quick, simple, and ridiculously easy recipe for a vegan powdered coconut creamer which uses only three Ingredients.

What you'll need:

 1/2 cup powdered sugar
 1 1/2 tsp coconut oil, melted

 In a medium mixing bowl, combine the dry coconut milk and powdered sugar.  Stir together until they are completely mixed.  Next, pour in the melted coconut oil and using your hands (yep...and it goes without saying that your hands will be clean before you do this, right???) fold the oil into the powdered mixture until it is completely combined.  Store in an air tight container and now you have the perfect replacement to regular powdered creamer!   
Enjoy your coffee!  And pssst, why not make a slice of (this cake) to go along with it?  You know you want to.

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