
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Almond & Lavender Gluten-Free Butter Cookies!

       So, I realized recently that my blog was lacking in the cookie department. I quickly had to remedy that and add to the collection! But do you think I would make a simple chocolate chip cookie? Of course not! No, no, I had to go to the kitchen and whip up one of my favorite type of cookies…Butter Cookies! I added a new twist to this classic by infusing them with a touch of almond and lavender...what else to say, but deliciously unique? 

 You'll need:

1 cup Kerrygold salted butter, softened

1/2 cup Kerrygold unsalted butter, softened

3/4 cup powdered sugar

1 tbsp vanilla extract

2 tsp almond extract

1 tsp salt

       Preheat the oven to 320°F.  prepare two cookie sheets by lining each with parchment paper.
       In a large bowl, cream the butter until light and fluffy.  Add in the sugar and extracts, then continue whipping until fully creamed.
       Next, whip in the almond meal and salt. Now mix in the three cups of flour one at a time, mixing well between each addition.
       finally, whip in the lavender flowers.

       Once everything is completely combined, scoop heaping teaspoons of batter onto the prepared cookie sheets then place in the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes, or just until firm and the bottoms are golden brown.

       Allow to cool slightly before serving, for an added touch garnish with a drizzle of honey or white chocolate.

       Enjoy!  These are the perfect treat to pair with a nice cup o' tea!

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