
Monday, June 16, 2014

Chocolate Indulgence Cookies

 This is the  recipe if you’re looking for a chocolaty, indulgent treat that is also guilt-free!  I adapted this recipe from the very first dessert I ever learned how to bake (or I should say not  bake).  
The first recipe I ever made on my own was no-bake cookies.
When I was trying to come up with a healthy recipe that would be vegan, gluten-free, and sugar-free, I thought ,"Why not go back to the beginning?"   

Chocolate Indulgence Cookies

1 ½ Cups Xylitol       

2/3 Cup Natural Peanut Butter

½ Cup Coconut Oil

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

½ Cup Coconut Milk          

3 Cups Rolled Oats

4 tbsp Cacao Powder        

1/3 Cup Cacao Nibs

Measure and set aside the cacao nibs, vanilla extract, peanut butter, and rolled oats.  I buy a wonderful freshly ground peanut butter with no salt or any other added ingredients from my local health food store, but nowadays there are several great all-natural options available at regular grocery stores as well.
Next, in a saucepan over medium-low heat, combine the xylitol, coconut oil, coconut milk, and cacao powder.   

I used Thai Kitchen canned full-fat coconut milk for this recipe. 

I lightly shook the can before use but not enough to completely combine the thick cream and the watery milk and then I used the creamy part of the coconut milk for the 1/2 cup called for. 

For the cacao, I personally use and recommend Navitas Naturals Cacao Powder and Cacao Nibs. Of course it is not a requirement to use this brand, but it's the one I prefer to bake with because of the consistently great results I have gotten with their products.

Continue to mix over medium-low heat until mixture begins to boil.  Allow to boil for about three minutes, stirring continuously.
Once the mixture has boiled for three minutes, remove from heat and stir in the peanut butter, vanilla, and cacao nibs.  Then slowly add in the oats, stirring constantly to make sure all the ingredients are fully mixed.  If you don’t stir thoroughly, you’ll find some of the oats will not be coated in chocolate and we certainly do not want that!
On ungreased cookie sheets, drop tablespoon-sized amounts of the mixture about an inch apart.  Allow to set up for ten minutes before moving into the fridge to fully harden. 
 Unlike traditional no-bakes, these cookies do need to be refrigerated to completely set up.  But since these cookies are totally healthy and delicious, they are well worth taking up a little extra space in the fridge for awhile.  ENJOY!

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